Thursday, May 20, 2004

Disturbing News

I finally got some closure on an issue that's been on my mind. Something extremely interesting and frightening happened to me Friday night. My friend was driving me and another friend back from a movie. We turned onto another street, we saw the local Mac's Milk plaza surrounded by cops and police tape. Due to the fact that humans are naturally curious, we pulled over and took a look. After talking to some other people who have been there for a while, we determined that someone had been shot and one person said that some 20-something year old guys had gotten into an argument and one of them went into the Mac's. When he came out, he was shot twice. Apparently he was driven to the hospital by 2 friends. This scares me given how close it happened to home. Its less than a 4 minute drive from my house. But the most interesting thing by far is the fact that i tried looking for information on Saturday evening on local newspaper and radio station web sites and couldnt find anything about it. I wanna know why "officially" (using the term very loosely) there were 6 or 7 police cars outside the mac's plaza around the corner from my house. I use the term officially very loosely because the official reason for "criminal activity" is rarely the actual reason, but that's a whole other entry.
My mom showed me an article in the local paper, Tuesday's edition. A small column on the inside of the 2nd page was written with very little detail. All i know now is that no one was shot, even though shots were fired and the victim was given a beating.
Here's the article's website.
