So in my quest to procrastinate, i bring back my old blog. No one will really be reading it (for now at least). Lets see whats been goin through my head in the past year and a half (or day, whatever).
Looking back on old entries, i was both pretty smart and pretty stupid. Enjoy.
Where does personality come from? How much better would relationships be if you knew a substantial part of everyone's past experiences to know where their coming from and why they are that way. Im sure there are a lot of big important things that i dont know about some of my good friends. Hell, i cant even tell you most of my friends' parents marital status or names or anything like that. Thats probably the best place to start for that.
So ive been on a high. But apparently thats arrogance. Im not sure how or why im like that. Insecurity is prominent. What makes people "cool"? What have i been doing right that i havent been doing till now? (theres the arrogance)
I clearly complain too much. How can i fault a course which is handing me free marks like a jew at a buy 1 get 1 free sale.
Winter is coming. My hands are turning red.
I have a midterm in 4.5 hours. Fuck.
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