Its dying. and i have to save it. Theres not much time....i need some drastically good ideas after dropping the ball for soooooooo long. What to do....
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
So in my quest to procrastinate, i bring back my old blog. No one will really be reading it (for now at least). Lets see whats been goin through my head in the past year and a half (or day, whatever).
Looking back on old entries, i was both pretty smart and pretty stupid. Enjoy.
Where does personality come from? How much better would relationships be if you knew a substantial part of everyone's past experiences to know where their coming from and why they are that way. Im sure there are a lot of big important things that i dont know about some of my good friends. Hell, i cant even tell you most of my friends' parents marital status or names or anything like that. Thats probably the best place to start for that.
So ive been on a high. But apparently thats arrogance. Im not sure how or why im like that. Insecurity is prominent. What makes people "cool"? What have i been doing right that i havent been doing till now? (theres the arrogance)
I clearly complain too much. How can i fault a course which is handing me free marks like a jew at a buy 1 get 1 free sale.
Winter is coming. My hands are turning red.
I have a midterm in 4.5 hours. Fuck.